Overcoming Your Dog’s Car Anxiety

The iconic image of a happy dog with his head hanging out the open window of a car, ears flapping in the breeze, sadly isn’t how all dogs feel about car rides. As your best friend, you want to bring your dog with you wherever you go. So, how do you do that is he...

Holiday Traveling with Your Dog

Are you planning to take your dog with you when you travel for the holidays? Before you start making plans, be sure you ask yourself if traveling is something your dog will enjoy. If your dog isn’t a fan of new places and adventures, you may be better off hiring...

Canine Dementia Symptoms and Treatment

One positive outcome of advances in veterinary care is that our dogs are living longer than ever before. But as dogs get older, they can suffer many of the same diseases that affect aging people. As a consequence, veterinarians are treating more and more of their...

Dog Toys for Power Chewers

Is your dog an olympic chewer? Does it seems no dog toy is strong enough for your pup? There is some good news. More and more companies are offering premium dog toys designed to take a beating from even the most formidable chewers. While no toy is truly dog-proof and...

The First Things to Teach Your New Puppy

Whether you know it or not, you started training your puppy from the minute you brought him home. Because dogs are rarely taken from their mothers before 6-8 weeks of age, she’d already begun your puppy’s training before you even met. It’s Never Too...

Safe and Dangerous Spices for Dogs

Can dogs eat spices? While it’s true that dogs don’t require five-star dining, many owners love to cater to their dogs’ unique tastes. And many have switched to making their own dog food to provide a better-sourced, healthier diet. So, why not add a...